Transgender Zone Banners!

If you have a website and enjoy what we do feel free to download one of our banners for your site.


Transgender Zone Banners


Keep enough space around our banners so they appear seperated from other banners.

Use the Transgender Zone brand in a way that implies partnership, sponsorship or endorsement.
Combine any part of the Transgender Zone with your name.
Use our copyrighted logos and name, domain names, or other content to create clone sites or pages.
Use any icons, images or trademarks to represent Transgender Zone other than what is available below.
Assert rights over the art and domain.
Feature Transgender Zone with pornography or illegal activities.
Modify the banners available below.


Right click and save this banner to your own computer and upload it to your server or photobucket account - please do not link directly to it as we may change banner names or even the banners from time to time and your links will be broken.The banners remain the property of Transgender Zone and must not be altered in any way.


Logo/button Medium

Logo/button Medium Small


Media Logo Medium Small

Media Logo Large 348x419px

Extra Large Logo 800x600px

In relation to media and podcasting you may link to and share but not use for commercial purposes or alter the work in anyway - credit must be given with a link to our site or the original article.

Copyright ©, and Transgender Zone logo.